Monday, September 24, 2012

RSVP Please

Thank you for those who have sent us your RSVP cards already and just to make things interesting how about a fun little game: From the RSVP cards that we have already received out of the groom's list there are 16 and from the bride's list 7.Try to get those RSVP card to us as soon as possible and I will keep a tally here on the blog.


  1. My RSVP has been filled out and sitting on my dining table! I WILL mail tomorrow :) can't wait to see you all :) love ya!!! Dottie

  2. Thanks Dottie I have yours now. And the totals now are groom has 20 RSVP and the bride has 19 RSVP. Please try to get those to us if you can, and hope to see some of you this weekend at the shower!!! I'm so excited.
